Thursday, October 25, 2007

Square & Wish #73 - Florissant, Missouri

The Love That is Forever
by Maxine Harris (I think - it's very small print.)

When a tree is struck by lightning,
if it survives,
its growth is altered.
A knot my form where the lightning hit,
The growth on one side of the tree may be more rigorous
than on the other side.
The shape of the tree may change.
An interesting twist or curious split has replaced what might
have otherwise been a straight line.
The tree flourishes;
it bears fruit,
provides shade,
becomes a home to birds and squirrels.
It is not the same tree it would have been had there not
been a lightning storm,
but some say it is more interesting this way.
Few can even remember the event
that changed its shame forever.

May your life always prove to be interesting!
Love from the McCool Family

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